Nothing So Broken

A Memoir

In 1967, Larry Richards was drafted into the Vietnam War. The conflict was escalating, American casualties rising. Twelve months of snipers, ambushes, and Agent Orange awaited. He was twenty-one years old.

In 1990, Steven Bott fell fifty feet onto his head in an industrial accident. After five weeks in a coma and seven months in a hospital, he returned home, physically and cognitively crippled. He was twenty-one years old.

Prior to the accident, Steven had been a friend and mentor. He had been a gifted athlete. He had been in love. After his tour of duty, Larry became a father. He was a kind and caring parent. He was haunted by the horrors of war.

With no hope for a return to normalcy, to a life before calamity, both men had to imagine something new, something worthwhile.

Nothing So Broken is the story of two men who transcend shattered lives, bringing inspiration to a friend, to a son in need.

Chris is currently seeking a publisher for the finished 62,000 word manuscript.